It's complicated

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An early update today! I don't know why I do comics about cats. I want to be like the "Garfield" of cybercomics. .I do apologize for the recent sporadic updates, and make no excuses other than a complete lack of time. When you're scrolling down your spreadsheet and it's four o'clock in the morning and the rows all just (yellow is my code backordered-priority) your priorities tend to change. There needs to be more time in a day. Four more hours a day would would do it I think. Things will change next year; it's going to level out financially and now there is adequate to get somebody in here and help out so I can finally concentrate on this book of all-original Overcompensating material I've been kicking around in the old noggin.

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All these comics and writings are © Jeffrey J. Rowland • Site implementation by Serenity Caldwell, based on a PHP script by Ted Hahn
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