It's complicated

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I have found it to be a tremendous accomplishment when I don't have to leave the house on weekdays.

Oklahoma City area readers should mark their calendars for January 21, when I will be appearing at the first "Locals Only" show at the Conservatory in Oklahoma City. I will possibly be doing my Britney Spears interpretive dance, which has been quite well received by people riding in the car with me.

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All these comics and writings are © Jeffrey J. Rowland • Site implementation by Serenity Caldwell, based on a PHP script by Ted Hahn
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 Unported License. You may copy, remix, or otherwise modify the material as long as you give credit to the source.

The Topato Corporation and Jeffrey Rowland are not responsible for injuries or damages sustained while reading or imitating anything on this site.